• sitebuilder

    Sitebuilder is here!

    Introducing the easiest and most cost-effective way to build a new website! Power Shift's updated Sitebuilder platform allows you to build your own professional, mobile-friendly website using drag and drop visual editing - without the headache of coding.

    Start Creating!

  • Office 365

    Office 365

    now available

    Power Shift is pleased to announce the addition of Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 Services. Outlook, Word, Power Point, access your Office 365 Programs from any browser for one low price!

    Learn More

  • local web hosting

    local hosting

    with global reach

    Not only is our hosting fast, reliable and secure, but it's backed by a support team dedicated to your success! Pair that with our daily server backups and free Cloud Mail boxes, and your website is destined for greatness. 

    Ready to upgrade your hosting service?

    Get Started!

Custom Website Development

Working together with our partners, we create websites that help your business achieve its goals. Power Shift's Design & Development partner company, Vermont Web Marketing, handcrafts responsive websites with compelling content and exceptional coding. Through ongoing collaboration and paired with our bulletproof hosting, we achieve outstanding results.

We are a Vermont company that offers open-source web design solutions, including user-friendly options such as WordPress and Joomla, with all hosting plans. Our partnered developers and designers are experts at carefully crafting a website to be usable and aesthetically pleasing across a wide range of devices.

Our partners offer a wide range of web design work, including e-commerce, mobile web design and blogs. Power Shift supports a wide variety of responsive, mobile-friendly websites, from highly customized pages to simple and effective templates. And if you have an older site, updating its look, feel, and functionality is our specialty.

We believe that nothing should stand between you and your website. No matter what kind of site you've got in mind, we'll give you the ability to update your content easily and independently.


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