• sitebuilder

    Sitebuilder is here!

    Introducing the easiest and most cost-effective way to build a new website! Power Shift's updated Sitebuilder platform allows you to build your own professional, mobile-friendly website using drag and drop visual editing - without the headache of coding.

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  • Office 365

    Office 365

    now available

    Power Shift is pleased to announce the addition of Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 Services. Outlook, Word, Power Point, access your Office 365 Programs from any browser for one low price!

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  • local web hosting

    local hosting

    with global reach

    Not only is our hosting fast, reliable and secure, but it's backed by a support team dedicated to your success! Pair that with our daily server backups and free Cloud Mail boxes, and your website is destined for greatness. 

    Ready to upgrade your hosting service?

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What is a Content Management System?

A content management system, or CMS for short, allows you to easily edit and publish content to your website. Content management systems feature easy to use editors allowing you to update your website without knowing a lot of code. If you can use Microsoft Word or similar word processing software, then you can edit the content of your website.

In the past, if you needed to update your website you either needed  to know HTML or hire a web developer to do it for you. The hassle and cost of maintaining a website, left most small business owners with a stagnant website. And in most cases it meant you were married to your web developer.

Now with a CMS website, you will be able to take back control. Armed with just an internet browser, you can add text, photos, and videos in minutes. CMS websites also make it easy to add features to your website. Everything from a simple photo gallery to a full featured e-commerce solution can be added to your new CMS website.

Power Shift has been working with the most popular content management systems for over 7 years. We have extensive experience with Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal. We will be able to set you up with a CMS that meets your needs, and includes all the addons you need to take back control. The power is yours!

Photo Credit: kennymatic via Compfightcc

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